Andy nearly died in June, today he celebrates his 14th bday! Thanks for your prayers
Andy, 14 yo. CHF (Chronic Heart Failure), Pneumonia. Thank You Jesus for healing ‘our’ precious Andy. We watched him struggle for each breath last June, we are in awe of Your grace and mercy toward him and mom Penny. Andy is a testament to Your unfailing love to Penny and her family and friends. We rejoice to see this day that You have made. In the Name of El Sh’ma: God who Hears. Amen. <3 Caren
Penny Pucher 1-30-21: Can you please post Andy tomorrow with a prayer of thanksgiving that he made it his 14th birthday! I will send a few pics tonight. He is taking his post supper nap right now
Prayers for Pets
Congratulations wonderful news!
Penny Pucher
Thank you! He has slowed down. His balance is off a bit… He is quite Choosey over food but he is still here and kicking
Psalm 34:17 ESV When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.
Psalm 68: 20 Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.