
Prayers for Pets
Uplifting Pets, Pet Parents, Fosters, and Shelters
Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His Feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
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Donations for Prayers for Pets
Uplifting Pets, Pet Parents, Shelters, & Fosters.
Thank you so much for wanting to help this great adventure with your financial encouragement. Some are going through tough times with pets right now, we are thankful of your consideration. Unfortunately people are often too busy to remember the hurts of others; some do not understand how challenging pet issues can be. The truth is that few things affect us as deeply as the precious ones who are a part of our family; it is hard to see them struggle… and even harder to say goodbye.
It is our desire to uplift and encourage, and to offer many valuable things for free. We do not want anyone to go without, we do not want anyone to feel a need to donate to be involved or to get the spiritual support needed. Your giving is a blessing and a help that will not be forgotten. If you cannot give we hope that you can find a way to help, to encourage; to be involved and to pay it forward. At PfP we are a community that supports each other through it all; it is what we do.
It is our goal to help us all be a sensitive supporting community. We are glad that you understand and know the feeling.
Donation Options:
1. Give through your card, or with PayPal; one click for either choice. Clicking Donorbox takes you to a specialized super secure site. The options allow for many methods including all credit cards, and choices like debit cards without using PayPal; or a choice for PayPal by clicking Donorbox. (PS Never give your banking information online without high level security; always watch for the s in “” in all transactions.)
2. Patreon is a special site that allows contributors to get connected on a monthly basis, offering unique benefits and behind-the-scenes perks. To become a Prayers for Pets patron at Patreon, click-
3. You can snail-mail checks if you prefer, email us: PrayersforPets1 [at] gmail [dot] com to make arrangements
4. You may also want to make PrayersforPets1 your charity. By choosing us as your charity; Amazon will donate small amounts of any order that begins with “” to PrayersforPets1. Video and Tutorial
*** Important addition – There is now an option to give by bank checking through this secure link Donorbox. Watch for the ACH bank transfer at the top. For most donations this is by far the most dollar effective choice.
Thank you!
Some great things are happening here daily, we truly appreciate your help.
Caren, Victor and the rest of the friends at Prayers for Pets <3
The stories that never end…

We have obtained official recognition as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This means that donations are fully tax deductible as per your tax advisers guidelines.
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